May 26, 2024

Patching blank values into mandatory fields in a Canvas App

Although it's possible to create a record in Power Automate that bypasses mandatory fields by sending a null value, how is the same achieved in a Canvas App?

You may have come across this scenario yourself when creating new records via the Patch command with something like this:

   Accounts, Defaults(Accounts),
      {'Account Name':"Test Account"}

only to be told that one of the fields your not setting is actually mandatory. In the past, you could bypass this by including something like: 'Account Number':Blank() but in more recent version of Power Apps, it seems this is no longer possible. So how is it achieved now? It's actually even simpler now - just pass "", so:

   Accounts, Defaults(Accounts),
      {'Account Name':"Test Account", 'Account Number':""}

I've tested this with a text field in Dataverse and then running a query after it and it still sees the field as empty rather than having an empty string.

UPDATE 3/9/2024 - I've since tested this with a mandatory whole number field and have yet to find a way to bypass the requirement. Neither Blank() and "" work and pushing a zero in there might not be ideal. I ended up removing the requirement at the column level to make it optional and then forced it to be mandatory at form level instead.

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